Bridging devoted servant leaders
and the investors that support them
to enable extraordinary outcomes
and empower a better, brighter world.

The LARGEST wealth transfer in history is upon us, and we’re called to channel it towards extraordinary Kingdom impact.
$84 TRILLION is about to change hands from the Baby Boomers to the generations that follow them…
And for serious faith-based businesses and investors alike…
It could change everything.
But as someone who’s dedicated years to understanding both the giving patterns of high-net-worth individuals and the needs of the organizations they support, I can tell you this:

And as a result, both owners and investors risk missing out on opportunities that could exponentially expand their God-given mission and increase their Kingdom impact.
Whether you’re a business or organization in need of funding or an donor or investor preparing to partner with one, there’s never been a more pivotal time…
…To clarify your calling and your ability to communicate your unique value
…To trust in His divine timing and move forward with inexorable faith.
…To prepare yourself for the blessings God is sending your way.
The moment is now.
It starts with you. With me. With all of us.
Will you answer the call to unleash your Kingdom impact?

-Matt Dabbs, Minister & Lead Equipper at Backyard Church

With over two decades of experience spanning finance, business, and leadership—including roles as a VP at a national bank and armed with an MBA—I’ve worked extensively with companies and non-profits of all sizes. I’ve seen first-hand just how crucial it is to align high-end investors, acquirers, and donors with the elite faith-based businesses, organizations, and brands they desire.
But there’s a problem.
At the intersection of faith and finance, there’s a void.
After all, as an owner… you know you are called to build a legacy-based business that survives to do good and advance His glory beyond the time God has granted you…
And as an investor… you know you are called to partner with the best organizations on the face of the Earth to further their spiritual mission and amplify their impact through your generosity and genius…
But the majority of businesses find it challenging to clearly communicate and champion their callings.
As a result, they often struggle to find and retain the best talent and clearly position themselves for investors.
And likewise, the majority of investors find it challenging to uncover and align themselves with ideal opportunities. As a result, they often struggle to find and retain the most mutually beneficial partnerships for global good.
Beaconship cements itself at the intersection of high-end investors and exemplary Kingdom leaders, helping both fortify the best in themselves to create the most miraculous outcomes together.

Position your organization for Kingdom impact by engaging Gen X donors and investors. Discover how to communicate your mission, demonstrate impact, and build meaningful connections. Take the Beacon of Excellence Impact Scorecard to assess your readiness and unlock transformational funding today.
COMING SOON. Apply for our exclusive, invitation-only monthly Beachonship Roundtable, comprised solely of high-level donors and investors. Here, we’ll focus on current trends, significant donations, and impact assessments in faith-based sectors to help you secure the most divinely-aligned deals.