Fulfilling God’s Plan w/ Oliver Asher

God's plan oliver asher
Discover how Oliver Asher is fulfilling God's plan through missionary work. Learn about the challenges of reaching unreached people. Explore how you can support global evangelism efforts.

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In today’s episode of The Beacon show, we have Oliver Asher with us. He is the president of Advancing Native Missionslife (ANM). It is a Christian organization dedicated to supporting native missionaries to spread God’s testament. Oliver’s efforts reflect God’s plan and the impact of faithful servant leadership. Oliver’s journey began with humble beginnings in a small Appalachian town. He rose to lead a global missionary organization. His story embodies the essence of Christian outreach. It shows his unwavering faith in God’s plan.

Born in Tampa, Florida, Oliver’s early life was marked by adversity. His father was in prison when he was born, and Oliver spent his first 13 days in an oxygen tent due to severe asthma. A turning point came when Oliver’s grandmother shared the gospel with his mother. She then passed it on to Oliver and his siblings.

“I just knew even as a seven-year-old, I knew that I was a sinner,” Oliver recalls. “When my mom told me about this sweet saviour who was God himself. Born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a horrible death on the cross for me, for my sins, I just believed.”

This early encounter with faith set the foundation for Oliver’s lifelong commitment to spreading the gospel. Despite personal struggles, including living in a shack as a teenager, Oliver’s faith stayed strong. His belief never wavered through the hardships. Oliver’s journey took him from playing college football at the University of Virginia to leading a global mission. He became the President and CEO of Advancing Native Missions (ANM). The organization supports native missionaries around the world.

Watch Oliver’s full interview on YouTube!

God’s plan Oliver Asher

Global Mission Challenge

Oliver sheds light on a startling reality. He highlights, “Approximately 3 billion people worldwide have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel”. He explains the complexities that contribute to this situation. He focuses on cultural and linguistic diversity. “In India, they have probably at least 2,500 different people groups,” Oliver notes. This diversity in language and culture creates significant barriers to widespread gospel dissemination.

ANM highlights the geographical challenges faced by the missionaries in the old days. Reaching certain populations has been difficult. It is due to mountainous regions, remote islands, and poor infrastructure. These challenges have historically limited access to these areas. For nearly 1900 years, limited travel and communication technology slowed the spread of the gospel.

God’s plan Oliver Asher

The ANM Approach

Advancing Native Missions tackles these challenges through a unique approach.

It focuses on supporting local missionaries. ANM works with native missionaries who know the local language and culture. They use effective strategies to reach their people.

It empahsizes on leveraging technology. Modern communication tools like WhatsApp have revolutionized how ANM coordinates with missionaries globally.

ANM focuses on strategic resource allocation. Supporting local missionaries allows ANM to be more cost-effective. This approach also makes their outreach efforts more culturally relevant.

God’s plan Oliver Asher

Power of Support

Oliver emphasizes the impact of financial support. “Even many times, 50, 100 dollars a month in some of these countries will pay the electric bill. Put some food on the table, and allow the pastor or church planter to do his work.”


Oliver Asher’s journey began with a challenging childhood. It led to him leading a global missionary organization. His story shows the transformative power of faith and success. It highlights the importance of answering God’s call. Through ANM’s work, countless lives are being touched by the gospel in some of the world’s most unreached areas. As Oliver puts it, “God loves to take small things and just use them for his glory.”

About Oliver Asher

Oliver Asher is the President and CEO of Advancing Native Missions (ANM). It is a Christian organization. It supports native missionaries in reaching unreached people worldwide. Oliver has a background in environmental engineering and a passion for spreading the gospel. He has led ANM for over two decades. During this time, he has overseen partnerships with hundreds of ministries in more than 120 countries.

Oliver’s journey began with humble beginnings in Appalachia. He has risen to lead a global missionary organization. His story is a testament to his unwavering faith and commitment to God’s calling. His leadership style is characterized by Christian leadership. It focuses on empowering local missionaries. It has been instrumental in ANM’s success in reaching some of the world’s most remote and unreached populations with the message of Christ.

Resources Mentioned

“Invincible Joy: Chasing God’s Dreams for Your Life” by Oliver Asher

Joshua Project (for mission research)


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