How can we as Christian leaders keep ourselves on track, ensuring that we’re making a positive impact on the world without losing ourselves in the process? Pastor Nikki Canady-Boyd has learned the power of intentionality and balancing ministry, family time, and personal rest. In this inspiring episode of The Beacon Show, she shares actionable advice for juggling multiple responsibilities and joyfully connecting with others for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
Pastor Nicky Canady-Boyd is a teacher, preacher, author, and the founder of Harvest Spring Ministries. But her journey to becoming a spiritual leader was anything but straightforward. As a teenager, Nikki found herself pregnant, battling drug addiction, and running from God’s call on her life.
It wasn’t until a divine encounter on an airplane, followed by a life-changing phone call with a radio preacher, that Nikki surrendered her life to Christ. From that moment on, she committed herself to helping others find freedom and purpose in Him.
Now, as a pastor and leader of multiple outreach initiatives, Pastor Nikki is passionate about uniting families, empowering women, and bringing hope to the broken. But she’s also learned the importance of setting boundaries, delegating responsibilities, and making sure she has time for the people and activities that keep her grounded.
In this candid conversation, Pastor Nikki shares her practical wisdom on hearing from God, pursuing vision, and avoiding burnout in the midst of busy ministry schedules. She also opens up about the power of partnerships, both in marriage and in business, and how God can use unlikely connections to bring our dreams to life.
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the demands of leadership, uncertain of your next steps, or in need of a fresh reminder that God is in control, this episode is for you. Get ready to be inspired by Pastor Nikki’s infectious joy, her tenacious faith, and her commitment to living each day with intention.
Watch or listen to Pastor Nikki’s full interview on YouTube and Apple Podcasts!

The Road to Damascus: Pastor Nikki’s Journey to Ministry
Pastor Nikki Canady-Boyd says she never imagined herself becoming a Christian leader. Although she describes her younger self as religious, she did not have a relationship with Christ until she was a young adult.
“The Lord protected me from a lot of situations that I put myself in,” she confesses. “I walked myself right into these situations, and His mercy always consumed me. Then I knew, ‘God has preserved me for something. Surely it’s not just to keep making dumb decisions.’”
During one of those situations — while carrying drugs on a plane as a pregnant high school senior — Nikki found herself praying, terrified of being caught and sent to jail.
God granted Nikki’s prayer for protection that day, but it wasn’t until much later that true change began to take place in her life. While listening to a preacher on the radio, Nikki called into the station on a whim. To her surprise, not only did the preacher answer, but he led her to Christ on that very phone call.
Nikki’s story emphasizes the importance of reaching people right where they are, on whatever platform will be most effective. At that point in her life, Nikki would not have gone to church — but she was listening to the radio.
Following her “Damascus Road” experience, Nikki’s road to ministry took several more unexpected turns.
Together, she and her husband started Harvest Springs Ministries, but after her husband’s untimely passing, Nikki took over as senior pastor in his place. Pastor Nikki remarried not long after, and she and her new husband continued to grow and expand the ministry into what it is today.

Making Time for Ministry, Family, and Intentional Rest
Many Christian leaders struggle to find time for themselves alongside caring for their families and handling the responsibilities that come with leading a ministry.
For Pastor Nikki, scheduling intentional time for family, ministry, and rest has proven to be essential. “If you don’t schedule it, then nine times out of ten you’re going to neglect yourself,” she explains.
It all comes down to knowing yourself and listening to your body’s needs. What times of the day do you feel most energized and able to work? When does your body tell you it’s time to put work aside and just rest?
Through scheduling intentional time for each aspect of her life, prioritizing tasks in order of urgency, and listening to her body’s needs, Pastor Nikki is able to devote herself to what matters most and avoid getting burned out or distracted.

Kingdom Connecting: Partnership and Winning Souls to Repentance
Another lesson Nikki has learned through her ministry is the importance of reciprocal relationships.
“I can have a vision all day long, but if I don’t have the people, the vision perishes,” she says. “It’s going to take partnership to do anything that’s profitable and that’s also going to make an impact.”
Like the Body of Christ is made up of many diverse members, a partnership of any kind needs people who can support each other and offset each other’s strengths and weaknesses, with no one person carrying the entire burden.
That’s why, in addition to leaving a legacy of business wealth and — more importantly — knowledge for her children, Pastor Nikki wants to be known as a Kingdom Connector.
“I want to leave behind that I was a trailblazer in the Kingdom as it relates related to soul-winning,” she explains. “My heart is for souls, to see people saved — not just to see people come to church — and see people change [and] repent from the heart.”
About Pastor Nikki Canady-Boyd
Pastor Nikki is a teacher, preacher, servant and author who is in love with God Almighty. A native of Jacksonville Florida. At an early age the Lord began to deal with her heavy concerning the call on her life. Running from this call, she chose the fast lifestyle of trafficking, selling, and using drugs.
The Lord made a swift transition within her life, as he called her to marry her high school sweetheart, the late Pastor Adrian L. Canady in January 1993 and they remained as a union until his departure November 2014. Faced with a life altering encounter, Pastor Nikki would carry the ministry that was founded by her and her late husband. After his untimely departure is when she realized it was now time to demonstrate everything she was taught by her mentor and late husband. Pressing beyond the pressure, destined to fulfill the God given purpose is what she is called to do.
While traveling extensively across the country for a number of years, she found her passion for helping young men & women with her similar backgrounds. Pastor Nikki’s heart goes out to abused women, young ladies, and teen mothers. Lives have been changed through her ministry as she allows the Lord to unmask her, while sharing real life issues, and relate them to the Word of God allowing deliverance to take place.
Pastor Nikki founded “Spiritual Diaries in the Word” women’s ministries, every 3rd Saturday she sets aside this time to hear the heart of the women, have lunch and prepare special outings for them to enjoy each other. Pastor Nikki is currently enrolled in Liberty University where she is pursuing a Bachelor degree in Theology with a minor in Biblical Studies. Pastor Nikki launched the very first Birthing God’s Purpose Conference in October 2013 and it continues every other year! October 2015, was the release of Pastor Nikki’s first of many writing’s which is currently blessing the lives of God’s people. November 2016 Pastor Nikki launched The Legacy ALC Heart Awareness Foundation, In Honor of her late husband this foundation was founded to educate families who have loved ones with a diagnosis of CHF, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes. Annually the ministry will host a health education day to help save the lives of others. Pastor Nikki completed the required hours to become a Certified Christian Life Coach in August 2018.
Pastor Nikki received her first Honorary Doctoral Degree Of Divinity with St Thomas Christian University In November 2018 following an additional Honor December 2018 she received her second Honorary Doctoral Degree Of Theology at School Of The Great Commission Theological Seminary. May 2019 Pastor Nikki received her Associates of Arts Religion from Liberty University.
Harvest Springs Ministries is covered by Bishop I.V & Pastor Bridget Hilliard of New Light Christian Church, Houston TX. As the Lord continues to elevate her from faith to faith and glory to glory she will continue strong in the faith walk of life. Pastor Nikki realizes that the enthusiasm and love for people has made her an inspiration to so many, and for this cause, she is determined to serve God and his people. Pastor Nikki continues to run with the vision that was founded July 2008 with the assistance of her current husband Pastor Kimball Boyd together they have 6 children and 3 grand kids.
In 2018 Nikki released a book Life Through The Eyes of A PK – The old saying goes, “Blood is thicker than water.” That may be true, but working with family members in ministry and in business can be a challenge. In this book, Nikki Canady-Boyd and her daughter, Auvi, reveal the secrets that have made them a dynamic mother-daughter team in the ministry and share the challenges they face in their individual roles and how to overcome those challenges.
Visit Pastor Nikki’s website here. Connect with Pastor Nikki on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.