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Beaconship Manifesto:
by Tamara Jackson.

In my 50th year, I stand unapologetically proud. A black woman, rooted in faith, I am prepared to rise as a formidable force at the critical crossroads of marketplace and ministry within our Christian faith circles. My voice is not just my own. It’s a clarion call for every individual who has dared to dream but hesitated to act, fearing the labels of arrogance, greed, or ungodliness.

I am not just proud of who I am and my abilities; I am a beacon of inspiration, igniting a fire in those with ambitious impact, income, and influence goals. With every word I speak and every action I take, I aim to fan the flames of their latent potential, urging them to cast aside their fears and boldly step into their purpose.

My core values guide me like a lighthouse in the storm. Faith is my cornerstone, reminding me that with trust in God, there are no limits to what we can achieve. Significance is my mission, compelling me to live in a manner worthy of imitation. Excellence is my standard, a constant reminder that mediocrity is a betrayal of our divine gifts. Classiness is my essence, reflected in my attire, demeanor, and behavior, a symbol of dignity and respect.

As a leader, I adhere to principles that foster growth and inspire action. Fail Forward, because every setback is a setup for a comeback. Faith Over Fear, to courageously conquer the obstacles that stand in our path. Add Value First, because our worth is measured by the value we bring to others. Find Solutions, to turn every problem into an opportunity for innovation. Build Connections, because together, we are stronger.

At the convergence of marketplace and ministry, I am forging elite strategic alliances and collaborations. I am mingling with high-profile titans, trailblazers, and mavericks, gleaning wisdom from their experiences while sharing my unique insights. Collectively, we are identifying opportunities to bolster visibility, amplify influence, and generate revenue. However, our definition of success is not solely monetary; it’s equally about our contributions to society. Through our combined efforts, we are sparking transformative change, bringing benefits worth millions to our communities, industries, and the world.

United, we are obliterating the glass ceilings that have restrained us. We are redefining the world’s perception of success, prosperity, and godliness. We are architecting a world where faith and ambition are not opposing forces, but harmonious allies. A world where divinely-inspired dreams are not merely fanciful thoughts, but tangible realities.

I stand at the forefront of this movement, inciting inspiration and fanning the inferno. I cast away the shadows of fear and doubt, boldly seizing my rightful position on the grand stage of life. In this very moment, I am the chief orchestrator, skillfully directing the brilliance of others, and carving our collective vision into the infinite fabric of time. This moment is unequivocally mine. The spotlight is on me; it’s my time to shine.

Join me, fellow Beacon. Let’s illuminate the world together.


For Beacons Seeking Impact Through Leadership, Organizations, or Businesses

Are you a faith-based leader, entrepreneur, or key figure within an organization, driven by a deep desire to make a significant, positive impact on the world? Do you recognize the immense potential you hold to create meaningful change, but find yourself navigating the complexities of growth and scaling your impact?

If you’re passionate about your mission, committed to living out your beliefs, and driven to achieve excellence in your field, you’re not alone. You’re a Beacon – a shining light in a world that desperately needs your unique brilliance.

But as a Beacon, you face unique challenges.

Developing effective strategies for branding, positioning, and marketing your mission can be daunting. Attracting and securing major donors and volunteers to support your cause is no small feat. Enhancing your business acumen to ensure sustainable success requires guidance and expertise.

That’s where Tamara Jackson comes in.

As a leading light of Christian leadership, Tamara has over two decades of experience in communication, marketing, and entrepreneurship. She’s honed her skills and voice to become a potent force for change, and her mission is to amplify the influence and impact of those who share her faith.


Through her transformative consulting and advisory services, Tamara empowers faith-based leaders like you to unlock your full potential and achieve Beacon-level impact. With her guidance, you’ll sharpen your leadership skills, develop robust strategies for growth, and create a powerful, impactful presence in your industry and community.

Imagine having the tools and insights to:

  • Navigate the complexities of growth and scale your impact with confidence
  • Develop a compelling brand, position, and marketing strategy that resonates with your audience
  • Attract and secure major donors and volunteers who are passionate about your cause
  • Enhance your business acumen and ensure the sustainable success of your organization

Tamara’s consulting and advisory services are tailored to your unique needs and goals. Through one-on-one coaching, strategic planning sessions, and actionable resources, she’ll guide you every step of the way, helping you overcome challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

If you’re ready to take your faith-based leadership to the next level, to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy, then Tamara’s consulting and advisory services are for you. Don’t let the challenges of growth and impact hold you back any longer. Unlock your full potential and become the Beacon you were meant to be.


Tamara’s Consulting & Advisory Services are designed for visionary Christian leaders who possess a burning desire to make a profound impact on the world. If you identify with any of the following, you’re a perfect fit for Tamara’s elite strategies:
Visionary Christian Leaders
Are you a Christian leader with a bold vision for transformation, driven by faith and ambition? Tamara’s consulting is your chance to actualize your deepest desires for impact and ignite your passion for change.
Ministry Trailblazers
Whether you’re a pastor, preacher, or ministry leader, if you aspire to reach beyond your congregation and amplify your message, Tamara’s support provides the resources and connections to achieve that goal.
Faith-Based Entrepreneurs
Are you an entrepreneur who aims to blend your faith with your business ventures, making a lasting impact on both fronts? Tamara’s guidance offers you the strategic partnerships and insights to excel in both arenas.
Change Agents
If you’re committed to addressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and social issues through your Christian leadership, Tamara is the catalyst to help you join forces with like-minded change agents.

Take the first step today. Book a discovery call with Tamara and explore how her transformative consulting and advisory services can empower you to achieve your grandest visions and make a Beacon-level impact on the world. Your journey to excellence, significance, and impact starts now.


For Beacons Seeking Impact Through GIVING

Are you an individual, trust, organization, or corporation with the financial means and a deep desire to make a significant impact through your philanthropic efforts? Are you driven by your faith and a profound sense of responsibility to use your resources to support worthy causes that align with your values?

If you’re generous and compassionate, with a heart for giving, and you seek to make a tangible difference in the world through your financial contributions, you’re not just a donor – you’re a Beacon of hope and change.

But as a Beacon, you face unique challenges.

Identifying the most impactful and trustworthy organizations or causes to support can be overwhelming. Navigating the vast landscape of charitable opportunities to find the best fit for your goals requires discernment and guidance. Ensuring your donations are used effectively and efficiently to achieve the desired outcomes demands strategic planning and oversight.

That’s where Tamara Jackson comes in.

As a trusted advisor and expert in the faith-based philanthropic landscape, Tamara has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by generous givers like you. Her mission is to empower you to maximize your impact and find fulfillment in your giving, knowing that your contributions are making a meaningful difference in the world.


Through her strategic philanthropy advisory services, Tamara guides faith-based donors like you to identify the most promising opportunities for impact, align your giving with your values, and ensure your financial contributions are leveraged for maximum effect. With her expertise and insights, you’ll develop a strategic approach to philanthropy that truly makes a difference.

Imagine having the support and guidance to:

  • Identify the most impactful and trustworthy organizations or causes that align with your faith and values
  • Navigate the complex landscape of charitable opportunities with confidence and clarity
  • Ensure your donations are used effectively and efficiently to achieve the outcomes you envision
  • Develop a strategic, fulfilling approach to philanthropy that maximizes your impact and legacy

Tamara’s strategic philanthropy advisory services are tailored to your unique goals, values, and resources. Through personalized consulting, strategic giving plans, and access to a vetted network of faith-based organizations, she’ll empower you to make informed decisions and achieve the impact you desire.

If you’re ready to elevate your giving, to create lasting change and leave a legacy of faith and generosity, then Tamara’s strategic philanthropy advisory services are for you. Don’t let the challenges of impactful giving hold you back any longer. Unlock the full potential of your philanthropy and become the Beacon of hope and transformation you were meant to be.


Tamara’s Strategic Philanthropy Advisory Services are designed for faith-driven donors who possess a deep desire to make a profound impact through their giving. If you identify with any of the following, you’re a perfect fit for Tamara’s elite guidance:
Compassionate Philanthropists
Are you a generous giver who seeks to alleviate suffering, support worthy causes, and spread hope through your financial contributions? Tamara’s advisory services provide the strategic direction to turn your compassion into measurable impact.
Legacy Builders
Do you aim to leave a lasting legacy of faith and generosity, inspiring future generations to follow in your footsteps? Tamara’s guidance helps you craft a philanthropic plan that ensures your legacy endures.
Kingdom Investors
Are you committed to advancing God’s Kingdom through your giving, supporting ministries, missions, and faith-based initiatives? Tamara’s expertise connects you with the most impactful opportunities to invest in eternal significance.
Impact Seekers

If you’re driven by a desire to witness tangible, transformative outcomes from your giving, Tamara’s advisory services help you identify and partner with organizations that deliver measurable impact and align with your values.

Take the first step today. Book a discovery call with Tamara and explore how her strategic philanthropy advisory services can empower you to maximize your impact, find fulfillment in your giving, and leave a lasting legacy of faith and generosity. Your journey to transformative giving starts now.



Are you a faith-based leader, entrepreneur, or key figure within an organization, driven by a deep desire to make a significant, positive impact on the world? Do you feel called to share your message, inspire others, and create meaningful change, but find yourself held back by the challenges of effectively communicating your mission and connecting with your audience?

If you’re passionate about your cause, committed to living out your faith, and driven to achieve excellence in your field, you’re not just a leader – you’re a Beacon of hope and transformation.

But as a Beacon, you face unique obstacles.

Crafting a compelling brand that captures the essence of your mission and resonates with your target audience can be a daunting task. Building a website that engages, inspires, and motivates your visitors requires technical expertise and creative finesse. Developing and executing marketing strategies and content that effectively communicate your message and drive impact demands time, skills, and resources that may stretch you beyond your limits.

That’s where Tamara Jackson and the Beaconship Agency step in to help.


As a seasoned expert in Christian leadership and communications, Tamara brings over two decades of experience in branding, marketing, and content creation to the table. She and her talented team have mastered the art and science of amplifying the influence and impact of faith-based leaders like you, empowering you to shine your light and transform lives.

Through the Beaconship Agency’s comprehensive services, Tamara and her team empower faith-based leaders like you to unlock your full potential, connect with your audience, and achieve the impact you deserve. With their expertise, you’ll have a powerful brand, compelling website, engaging marketing, and impactful content that sets you apart and drives results.

Imagine having the support and resources to:

  • Develop a brand that captures the heart of your mission and resonates with your audience
  • Create a website that engages, inspires, and motivates your visitors to take action
  • Implement marketing strategies that connect you with the right people and opportunities
  • Produce high-quality, impactful content that establishes you as a thought leader in your field

The Beaconship Agency’s services are tailored to your unique needs, goals, and vision. Through collaborative partnerships, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of your mission, they’ll work hand-in-hand with you to amplify your impact and achieve your desired outcomes.

If you’re ready to take your faith-based leadership to the next level, to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy, then the Beaconship Agency’s services are for you. Don’t let the challenges of branding, marketing, and content creation hold you back any longer. Unlock your full potential and become the Beacon you were meant to be.


The Beaconship Agency’s Services are designed for visionary Christian leaders who possess a burning desire to make a profound impact on the world. If you identify with any of the following, you’re a perfect fit for the agency’s elite solutions:
Visionary Christian Leaders
Are you a Christian leader with a bold vision for transformation, driven by faith and ambition? The Beaconship Agency’s services are your chance to communicate your vision with clarity, connect with your audience, and actualize your deepest desires for impact.
Ministry Trailblazers
Whether you’re a pastor, preacher, or ministry leader, if you aspire to reach beyond your congregation and amplify your message, the Beaconship Agency provides the branding, website, marketing, and content solutions to help you achieve that goal.
Faith-Based Entrepreneurs
Are you an entrepreneur who aims to blend your faith with your business ventures, making a lasting impact on both fronts? The Beaconship Agency’s expertise offers you the strategic support and creative solutions to excel in both arenas.
Change Agents
If you’re committed to addressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and social issues through your Christian leadership, the Beaconship Agency is the partner to help you communicate your message, rally support, and amplify your impact.
Take the first step today. Book a discovery call with Tamara and explore how the Beaconship Agency’s comprehensive services can empower you to achieve your grandest visions, connect with your audience, and make a Beacon-level impact on the world. Your journey to excellence, significance, and impact starts now.
As the CEO of Beaconship, consultant, advisor, and investor,
Tamara Jackson is the vital conduit between
faith-based donors and the organizations they support.
“Tam and I have worked on various projects for several years and I’ve been very impressed not just with her work, but with her character. Tam has a very unique and effective approach to Christian leadership and entrepreneurship, and she exemplifies that in her own life. Her deep commitment to her faith has helped her create success and impact both in her work and in her community. She has tireless energy and is always available to help even if only to give advice based on her wisdom, which he has plenty of. I simply cannot say enough good things about Tam Jackson.”

-Chris O’Byrne, Founder JetLaunch Publishing and Pivot Magazine

Connect with Tamara Jackson and the Beaconship community to access a wealth of resources designed to ignite your faith, empower your leadership, and amplify your impact.


Tamara Jackson’s thought-provoking newsletter for faith-based leaders shining their light and making a Beacon-level impact.


The Beacon Resources Hub provides the essential elements you need to thrive as a faith-based leader or donor.


Dive deep into transformative Roundtables, where you’ll gain the tools and strategies needed to unlock your full potential as a faith-based leader.
“The Bible makes it clear that ‘Faith without works is dead.’ Tam is the embodiment of living faith. She walks the walk and speaks life to so many others to pursue the gifts and vision God has given them. She goes above and beyond for those that she coaches and leads and then helps them increase their capacity to do the same for others. Tam is passionate yet methodical, courageous yet measured. She is a leader that makes leaders better; I know that has certainly been the case for me.”

-Maurice F. Martin, Bestselling Author, Transformational Coach, and Host of the Hope Rising Podcast

Tamara Jackson’s thought-provoking newsletter for faith-based leaders shining their light and making a Beacon-level impact.

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Each month, I gather a selected group of Christian leaders for a roundtable discussion centered on transformative ideas, topics and themes to advance the Kingdom. Our mission is to foster deeper connections, share invaluable insights, and provide resources to collectively strengthen our leadership.

On select occasions, we will be joined by prominent Christian thought leaders, offering their inspiration and teachings. Each month’s theme will be chosen based on the topics and contributions that resonate most with our group.

This is an exclusive, invitation-only event. If you are interested in learning more or would like to request an invitation to join us, please fill out the application form below.